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How does pricing work with Golioth?

Golioth pricing is based on your organizational tier and monthly usage of data services.

Golioth pricing can be broken into two core components: your Organizational Tier; and monthly usage of data services. Let's look at each more closely to illustrate how they impact your monthly spend. 

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Organizational Tier Pricing

Golioth offers three tiers, Individual, Teams, or Enterprise, each tailored to suit the needs of your organization. Tier pricing addresses operational features of Golioth including team collaboration, virtual environments (projects), and support. The table below describes the features of each Tier. 


Organizational Tier Subscription Pricing
  Individual Teams Enterprise

▪️ single seat

▪️ unlimited devices

▪️ one project

▪️ community support

▪️ up to 20 seats

▪️ unlimited devices

▪️ up to 5 projects

▪️ dedicated support

▪️ starting at 20 seats

▪️ unlimited devices

▪️ up to 100 projects

▪️ premium support + Slack

Pricing FREE


starting at $2,799/mo

How it gets billed

Organizations are billed as a recurring monthly subscription according to the applicable Tier. Billing is paid up front and the subscription period begins immediately on the date of upgrade (or downgrade). 

What if I cancel my subscription?

Unless otherwise specified in a custom contract, organizational subscriptions are month to month. If you cancel your subscription, you will retain access to your subscribed tier until the end of the subscription period. When the subscription period ends, your organization will be automatically  downgraded to the free Individual tier. 

How do I downgrade my subscription? 

Customers have the ability to downgrade their subscription through the self-serve account management feature in the Golioth Console. Downgrades to your subscription through the Manage Subscription option will take effect immediately. 

You may also schedule a subscription downgrade by working directly with a Customer Success Manager. To schedule a subscription downgrade send your request to success@golioth.io.


Watch and learn!

Not sure how to manage your subscription from the Golioth Console? Watch this quick video to learn how! 



Data Services Pricing

Did you know?

Consumption of data services can be tracked in the Golioth Console on the Usage tab of Organizational SettingsRead more about monitoring your usage on the Golioth blog.

Charges for data services from Golioth are invoiced at the end of each month in arrears. The cost for these services may vary depending on your usage or the services utilized within the month. There are currently four billable categories of data services:


Free Usage Limit refers to the maximum amount of data that can be sent to, from, or through Golioth using a specific data service.

External Destination refers to the endpoint where device data is sent outside of the Golioth cloud platform. Examples may include external databases such as MongoDB or InfluxDB, as well as external cloud services like AWS or Azure.

Internal Destination refers to a device data endpoint within the Golioth cloud platform. The most notable example of this today includes our LightDB Stream service, but there may be other internal destinations in the future. 

OTA Usage-Based Pricing

The free usage limit for OTA is one Gigabyte (1GB) each month. OTA is billed at a rate of $0.35 per Megabyte (MB) of data consumed in excess of the free usage limit for a given month. Billable OTA usage will be rounded to the nearest MB at the end of each monthly billing cycle. 

Logs Usage-Based Pricing

The free usage limit for Logs is 200 Megabytes (200MB) each month. Logs are billed at a rate of $0.20 per MB of data consumed in excess of the free usage limit for a given month. Billable Logs usage will be rounded to the nearest MB at the end of each monthly billing cycle. 

Output Streams Usage-Based Pricing

The free usage limit for sending data to any external destination is three Megabytes (3MB). Output Streams are billed at a rate of $0.40 per MB of data consumed in excess of the free usage limit for a given month. Billable Output Streams usage will be rounded to the nearest MB at the end of each monthly billing cycle. 

LightDB Stream Usage-Based Pricing

There is no free usage limit for sending data to any internal destination, most notably LightDB Stream. Data sent to internal destinations like LightDB Stream are billed at a rate of $1.00 per GB or $0.001 per MB. Data sent to internal destinations will be rounded to the nearest MB at the end of each monthly billing cycle. 


Usage-Based Pricing for Data Services
  Free Usage Limit (FUL) Price Beyond FUL
OTA 1 GB per month $0.35 per MB
Logs 200 MB per month $0.20 per MB
External Destinations 3 MB per month $0.40 per MB
Internal Destinations none $0.001 per MB