How is Golioth different from other IoT platforms?

With its open API and a robust set of services, Golioth gives your team a near limitless universal connector experience.

Golioth is a flexible IoT platform. We offer a flexible firmware SDK and REST API, supporting multi-hardware and multi-protocol connectivity, making it easier and faster to prototype. Golioth also offers free device management so you can carry large production fleets and only pay for the data you stream.

Golioth is device, connectivity, and service agnostic. We act as a universal connector enabling you to connect sensors quickly, capture data instantly, and easily stream data it anywhere you want.

Unlike vertical IoT platforms that lock you into their hardware and their RTOS, Golioth lets you connect any hardware running any RTOS using our device agnostic Firmware SDK. This way you'll never be limited on new features or disrupted by supply chain issues.

Golioth doesn't just offer free device management but a robust set of services to help you securely and efficiently transmit your data from device to the cloud so you can focus on the important aspects of your IoT application.